[Caboolture] QLD Strawberry farm hand needed /2nd year visa /farm house/share house…
2019.06.08 21:48
Hi there, Strawberry farm hand needed now in Caboolture, both picking and packing
To get your 2nd year visa signed, we provide detailed Payslip, contract, tax, super, 2nd visa form
Picking: $3-4 /tray (vary according to market price)
Packing: $17-20cent (fixed price)
Farm house: $100/week,$100 bond à walking distance to farm
Share house: $120/week, $240 bond à $5 a day for pickup for those who have no cars, and those who have cars can earn money by pickup
2 week notice is required
We take you to do some groceries at least once a week (free)
Airport pickup can also be arranged if needed
Plz feel free to contact me and leave a message on my FB
FB: wan wan
Line/kakaotalk/weichat: wanwaninau
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